Jan. 2022 – present Project Scientist II, NSF NCAR
Oct. 2019 – Jan. 2022 Project Scientist I, NSF NCAR
Oct. 2017 – Sept. 2019 ASP Postdoctoral Fellow, NSF NCAR
Jun. 2017 – Sept. 2017 Postdoctoral Scholar, JIFRESSE, UCLA
Jul. 25 – Aug. 5 2016 Visiting Graduate Student, ASP Summer Colloquium, NSF NCAR
2017.6 Ph.D. in Atmospheric Sciences, Univ. of California Los Angeles (UCLA)
2013.12 M.S. in Atmospheric Sciences, Univ. of California Los Angeles (UCLA)
2012.6 B.S. in Environmental Sciences and Applied Mathematics (double major), Peking University
land surface modeling, land-atmosphere interaction, climate/weather extremes, atmospheric chemistry and modeling, interaction between climate change and air pollution, aerosol-snow/cloud-radiation Interactions, radiative transfer and light scattering, machine learning Application
May – Aug., 2018 Research Mentor for UCAR SOAR Summer Program
Jan. – Jul., 2016 Teaching Assistant, Course “AOS2 (Air Pollution)”, UCLA
Summer, 2013–2017 Mentor for undergraduate research intern, UCLA
Spring, 2016 Guest Lecturer, Course “AOS141 (Intro. to Atmos. Chem. and Air Pollution)”, UCLA
Jan. 30, 2017 Volunteer Teacher in the Citizens of the World Charter School, Los Angeles
Mar. 23–24, 2016 Volunteer Teacher in the 20th annual Children's Water Education Festival, Irvine
Proposal Reviewer: NSF, DOE, NASA, NOAA
Journal Reviewer: Nature Climate change, Nature Communications, PNAS, Geophys. Res. Lett., Atmos. Chem. Phys.,
J. Geosphys. Res.-Atmos., Environ. Res. Lett., J. Climate, J. of Atmos. Sci., Atmos. Environ.,
Geosci. Model Dev., International Journal of Climatology, The Cryosphere, Environ. Pollut, JQSRT,
Remote Sensing of Environment, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, Scientific Report, etc.
Volunteer Judge for AMS & AGU Student Poster/Oral Presentations
Committee member for NCAR ASP Postdoctoral Research Reviews (2017-2019)
Lead developer for Noah-MP model and leading the international Noah-MP community activities
Committee chair for Noah-MP model strategic development and code review committees
Lead and coordinate international community efforts for WRF-Urban model development
Co-lead for land-atmosphere interaction working group of GEWEX Regional Hydroclimate Project (H2US)
Co-lead for land-water working group of UCAR Africa Initiative
Main developer for land component of coupled UFS/Noah-MP, LIS/Noah-MP, WRF/Noah-MP, and MPAS/Noah-MP systems
NOAA Unified Forecast System (UFS) land working group committee
Lead the NCAR Snow Affinity Group​
Programming Language: Fortran, R, IDL, Matlab, Python
Relevant Tool/Software: Latex, Rmarkdown, SPSS, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Excel
Working Platform/System: Linux, Mac OS, Windows
Mathematical Technique: Matrix algebra, Numeric computation, Statistics, Optimization, Machine learning
Feb. 2018: Volunteer for UCAR Explorer Series Event Preparation
Nov. 2017: Volunteer for UCAR Explorer Series Event Preparation
Jan. 2017: Volunteer for teaching at Citizens of the World Charter School, Los Angeles, CA
Mar. 2016: Volunteer for the 20th annual Children's Water Education Festival (UC Irvine)
Social network: click the following icons for my Facebook, Linked-in, Google+, Researchgate, and Google citation.